Industrial partners
The SPHERE unit and the company IDBC (A2Com group) created in 2016 the Joint Laboratory RISCA (Research in Informatics and Statistics for Cohort-based Analyses).
The project – half financed by the French National Research Agency – aims to develop and to commercialize Plug-Stat®, a personalized software for the analysis of cohort-based data. The objective is also to improve the dissemination of the research in Biostatistisc from the SPHERE unit across applications in clinical research.
The SPHERE unit also works with IDBC on the PRO-online. project.
This project aims at proposing to students or researchers a user-friendly way to perform analysis in Psychometrics.

CIFRE PhD thesis
Several PhD students work or have worked on their doctoral thesis in collaboration with companies within the CIFRE program. This is the case for the following PhD theses: Fatoumata FOFANA (Mapi Research Trust, defended in 2015), Florent Le Borgne (IDBC, defended in 2016), Angély Loubert (Modus Outcome, ongoing), Arthur Chatton (IDBC, defended in 2022), Marion Kerioui (Institut Roche, defended in 2022) and Antoine Pitoy (Sanofi, ongoing).
International joint PhD thesis
Anna Toscano defended her PhD in collaboration with Turin University (Italy)
Marianne Balem started her PhD in collaboration with Lund University (Sweden).