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Seminars, publications and events

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International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC) 2024 : Jules Pereira Macedo won the title for best student oral presentation !

The 7th ICTMC congress took place from September 30 to October 3, 2024 in Edinburgh. An international congress bringing together analysts, methodologists, researchers and clinicians presenting their work on methodology in clinical trials. Jules presented his work on “Estimation of a risk difference in a cluster randomized trial” and won one of two titles for best student oral presentation.

participants 10km Tours

On September 24, SPHERE athletes took part in the Tours 10km-20km and marathon!

On Sunday, September 24th, the team of young researchers from SPHERE met in Tours and launched into a sports adventure by participating in the city’s annual running race. The following Monday, they discussed the best way to design slides and posters for their conference presentations, thesis defenses, and other similar events. Overall, this weekend was an enriching experience that significantly strengthened the cohesion within the team of young researchers

Members of SPHERE summer 2023

SPHERE Summer Science Day in Tours

On Thursday 29 June, all SPHERE members met in Tours!

The programme included a workshop on the CARER systematic review project and a workshop on the ecological and social transition.

After a convivial lunch that was the occasion of a few photos and a meeting of young researchers, the unit exchanged on how to evaluate the future of patients after reanimation and how to involve patients and caregivers in conducting research.


SPHERE young researchers' days - March 2023

On March 27, 2023, the young researchers of SPHERE met in Nantes for their first scientific day!

On the agenda: presentation of software for the writing of the thesis manuscript and thoughts concerning the group's identity.

We started by a presentation of the LaTeX language and a feedback from former SPHERE PhD students: how did they write their manuscript? What challenges did they face ? etc.

After a convivial moment during lunch, everyone got to work:

- The first group made its first steps with Overleaf, an online Latex editor. This workshop was organized by Floriane and Yseulys.

- The second group worked on the identity of the "young researchers of SPHERE" group, which brings together a wide variety of profiles: interns, residents, PhD students, young doctors, junior engineers, postdoctoral researchers and graduate assistants. They also brainstormed on the actions we could take to stimulate scientific life, cohesion and mutual aid between young researchers.

It is already time to leave, but everyone leaves full of ideas! We will meet again in June at the SPHERE scientific day !



Summer School of Psychometrics

Summer School of Psychometrics 2023

Myriam Blanchin, Yseulys Dubuis, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, Véronique Sébille

The UMR INSERM 1246 SPHERE is organizing its first psychometrics summer school from June 14 to 16, 2023 in Nantes. The theme of the summer school will be "The construction and validation of scales for measuring self-reported outcomes in health".

Lieu : Nantes
colorful umbrellas

INSERM workshop 274 "Cluster randomized trials and within-person randomized trials: statistical, practical and ethical issues"

Agnès CAILLE, Bruno GIRAUDEAU (SPHERE) et Laurent BILLOT (The George Institute for Global Health, Newtown, AUS) are organising an Inserm workshop on cluster randomised trials.

The theoretical phase will take place on 21-23 June 2023 in Bordeaux with many international experts.

Practical workshops are proposed in October 2023 in Tours.

further information:

Date limite d'inscription : 10 mars 2023

image "diplôme" prix Daniel Schwartz

Arthur Chatton and Marion Kerioui received the 2022 Daniel Schwartz award for their thesis !

The 2020-2022 thesis prize «Daniel Schwartz», founder of the French Society of Biometrics, French component of the International Biometric Society (IBS), was awarded to two spherian doctoral students: Arthur CHATTON and Marion KERIOUI

They were invited to present their research at the Journée Jeunes Chercheur.e.s of the Société Française de Biométrie, held in Rennes on 19 January 2023.

Congratulations to both of you!


PhD Training "Design, Analysis and Reporting of Cluster Randomised Trials"


The Digital Public Health Graduate Program is proposing the PhD training "Design, Analysis and Reporting of Cluster Randomised Trials" (CLUSTER) with professors Laurent Billot and Bruno Giraudeau (Université de Tours).

Lieu : Bordeaux

The CONGA project obtaind funding from AOI CHU Nantes + ANR résilience COVID

Both in France and Sweden, global changes in online gambling activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and their potential for gambling problems, are a source of concerns for public health authorities. The CONGA project aims to measuring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the online gambling activity, both in France and Sweden. The use of gambling tracking data, widely acclaimed in recent years in research on online gambling given its ecological nature, could allow observing longitudinally changes in online gambling activities due to the pandemic. Moreover, the combination of French and Swedish data will allow comparing two countries with very distinct politics regarding the pandemics, i.e. a lockdown in France compared to no lockdown in Sweden. The CONGA study will provide a better understanding of the impact of restriction measures in the context of the health crisis on online gambling activities. Moreover, the identification of sub-populations particularly at risk of increasing their gambling activity in response to the health crisis will have both clinical and epidemiological perspectives, even beyond the current period of crisis.

Principal investigator: Gaëlle Challet-Bouju